How to Do Masonry Repair, Chimney Repair and Matching Mortar.
In reference to the general maintenance of a home, masonry repairs happens to be crucial as the being thereof cracks in the mortar could allow pests and water in therefore hindering a sale on the house or even lowering a house’s value. There is, however, likelihood of more damage to the mortar if one uses unmatching mortar in the cracks repointing because not all repairs will match therefore its of importance to consider the right mortar in time of repair. Again, remember that every house has a different right mortar for cracks repointing and repair due to factors like use of various types of mortar, inconsistencies in mortar mixing as well as difference in mortar aging and staining. Therefore, it’s not always a working idea to match mortar through the use of matching sand or matching the mortar color with stains or pigments as most masonry repair professionals would do as the method is a wrong one and can cause many problems. The appropriate way therefore to identify a mortar and look for a fit mortar repair is only by analyzing the mortar.
The processes by which mortar analysis is done happens to exists in a variety, but the most commonly used method is acid digestion as it appears to be very accurate. Accuracy in results is thus achieved by combining various testing procedures on the mortar that makes it important to have advance information involving the mortar, acid digestion, weight loss, mortar’s compressive strength, chemical reactions and other mortar factors. When one has identified mortar composition; they are free to continue with the appropriate match of mortar color as in most cases, mortar color base tones happen to result directly from the form of the mortar. Thus, masonry repairs are given to the last longer, assume better bonding and cause no damage on a wall by just considering the appropriate mortar repair.
On the issue of house chimneys, the structures are mostly used because of the need to add warmth to the house. The most differentiating factor however with these chimneys is that various designs and actual construction on a chimney are used in different homes. The most common flue type in homes is, however, a masonry chimney which requires some repairs with age. Remember that not using your vent for long could make it wear off, not giving frequent cleaning to your flue and maintenance as well as it will erode or be damaged with time. Hence, when doing masonry chimney repair, it is advisable to find a reliable flue repair company to handle the job efficiently. Be careful therefore to consider having extensive research on the best masonry chimney repair company as shoddy work could make one incur more cost.