Literacy is like a magic spell which can remove the darkness of illiteracy. Education which is not only important for a community but also important for a nation.
An educated society can enlighten others.Education demolish malice and superstition from the society. He who doesn’t have the flare of education suffers in the long run and face multifarious drawbacks.

Education is a must for every human being because it let them out of the salvation of darkness. Besides,without proper and quality education it is totally pigs fly to ameliorate.

Education which is a big asset for a country, it can solve hazardous problems, on the other hand without proper education a nation will face numerous complications.

Literacy helps a man to create distinguish between wrong and right. An educated man or woman won’t choose the path of corruption and they won’t let others to follow wrong path.
Education is a basic need for every human being, it is the utmost duty of a government to ensure quality education for his people. Absolute steps from the authority can totally eradicate illiteracy from a country. Education is a blessing, on the contrary illiteracy is a curse.

Education is an arsenal which helps a nation to articulate all of his materials accordingly. Then again the light of Literacy let them aware of their duties. The flame of Education can remove corruption, unemployment, terrorism and such others pitfalls. Education has a supreme power to motivate people, it let them understand their responsibilities. Unisma Education is a medicine which can save a society from being rotten. If we take education as the subject of acceleration, change will be the object of development.

Education can change a society, it can accelerate the speed of development.If literacy is there dishonesty will be abated.Literacy is an authentic change maker.

With the blaze of education a society can reach the peak of its success, without the blessing of education, it is totally impossible to reach the apex of success.For this reason, the citizens and the government should take absolute steps by which education can come blazing with its success and blessings.

To conclude,It is important to realise the necessity of education. Every human being should be literate for his or her own purpose, if it doesn’t happen he or she may face different sorts of complexities in his or her life.So,education is must for every human being.Education is for the betterment of human being and for a better society.